WHAT DADS SAY…about being in NICU

We asked dads about what they wished they’d known when their baby was in the NICU

Here's what they said

What NICU dads say -

I wish I’d known more about what the process would be, what support would be needed and who to call for help

What NICU dads say -

I didn’t know what progress indicators to look for. I also didn’t understand that little steps forward were actually a big deal

What NICU dads say -

At times I felt helpless. I wish I’d known how to be more involved in my baby’s care

What NICU dads say -

Tips on how to bond with our baby while she was in a unique situation would have been helpful

What NICU dads say -

I wish I had known how to better support my wife

What NICU dads say -

It would have been helpful to know about the survival stats and what the different terminology meant

Nothing can really prepare you for what’s happening. Especially the chaos that comes with a premature birth. I wish someone had told me our bubs were progressing ‘normally’ even though they were premature.

What NICU dads say -

More things dads say they wish they had known

What NICU dads say -

Fathers are often consulted first and asked to make decisions. For example about injections, blood transfusions, heal prick testing. I wasn't expecting that

What NICU dads say -

I would recommend dads research, listen and ask questions on the rounds

What NICU dads say -

The doctors explained everything very well but it was good to ask clarifying questions

What NICU dads say -

Trust the doctors – they will let you know black and white and when things are not going well – they will be honest

What NICU dads say -

I wish someone had told me that it’s ok to leave and have some time for yourself. You don’t need to be there 24hrs a day

What NICU dads say -

You need rest too –so you can look after yourself and your partner

What NICU dads say -

Talk to your partner and be open with how you’re feeling. But it’s also ok to just sit in silence

What NICU dads say -

I wish I’d known as much information as my partner

What NICU dads say -

Having things explained in simple terms would be useful. Like a a cheat sheet sort of thing

I wish someone had told us about things to expect as they develop. For example, our babies stopped breathing from time to time and were given caffeine – this was a bit of a shock and we were not expecting it

What NICU dads say -


We asked dads about what would have helped them be more involved and to feel more confident and included while their baby was in the NICU

What NICU dads say -

Often the emotional support is tailored to the mother not the dad. Our baby went to 3 NICUs. They were all quite different at including dads

What NICU dads say -

I was lucky at the hospital we were at. They included me in everything and let me be part of daily care, feeding, holds etc

What NICU dads say -

I didn't know what supports were available to me outside of the staff at the hospital

What NICU dads say -

What helped was being there as much as possible to help with doing cares every 3 hours and forming that bond early on

What NICU dads say -

In terms of support, there wasn't much for dads at all. It makes you feel like you're not important or a second-class citizen almost

What NICU dads say -

A nurse made a comment to me that shook me which was "yeah this is really hard for mums" well it's no different for dads, we feel and love no different

What NICU dads say -

My wife was battling mentally more than me with the ordeal of the early birth. I was there as much as possible with my wife to make sure everything was as level as possible

What NICU dads say -

I was pretty central to the NICU situation. I liked being able to bath my daughter and bottle feed her and read to her – that helped me form a bond with her

What NICU dads say -

More information and tips on how I could contribute to our bub's care and bond with her would have been helpful

More information on the benefits of Kangaroo Care would have been appreciated. It was only something I really learned about towards the end of her SCN stay

What NICU dads say -
What NICU dads say -

Being reminded that I could help with the care of my baby, even in the early days to help feel that paternal connection and for staff to give me the reassurance to

What NICU dads say -

I was so scared that I would hurt her. I just wish staff had've helped guide me a bit more and encouraged more skin-to-skin bonding

What NICU dads say -

I didn't realise the importance of doing things like changing nappies and doing ‘cares’, having cuddles or kangaroo care and giving baths when the time was right

What NICU dads say -

We had to push to have me included in Kangaroo Care. One nurse even stated that it was generous of mum to share the Kangaroo Care with me

What NICU dads say -

I lost count of times I entered the NICU on my own before work to be greeted with "where’s mum?" Does it matter, dad is here, I can do cares just as well as mum

What NICU dads say -

Luckily there were a number of nurses who included me and were happy to have a dad doing cares, reading the chart, asking questions etc


We asked dads what helped or would have helped them to cope with the situation.


“Some days a simple smile and some empathy went a long way.”
What NICU dads say -

Clearer communication in what needs to happen before baby can leave the NICU (milestones, feeding etc)

What NICU dads say -

We had a nurse who said pick one positive thing that happens in a day and focus on that

What NICU dads say -

It would have helped to know that what I was feeling was very normal

What NICU dads say -

More time with the Social Worker and a support group for dads currently in the NICU

What NICU dads say -

Leave the cot side and have breaks during the day

What NICU dads say -

Be prepared for the highs and lows. The optimist in me was expecting things to get better day by day but it was a real roller coaster experience

What NICU dads say -

Give yourself plenty of time to go home and sleep well

What NICU dads say -

Parents being able to be together with the baby

What NICU dads say -

Our nurses were amazing. They were good at explaining what our boys were going through

What NICU dads say -

Talking to your partner about how each other are feeling and being honest

What NICU dads say -

Trust in the doctors. It was also good having 24/7 access. I’m not sure I would have coped without the nurses either

What NICU dads say -

Pack lunch & maintain a routine. Continue to do things you like to do – read, watch the footy etc. Mindful colouring helped my wife

Having access to a community of parents who had experienced a similar journey would have been helpful.

What NICU dads say -

More things dads said about coping

“What helped me was my family. But even then I needed clinical help about four months after we left hospital. By this time my son and wife were doing pretty well – but I wasn’t – and hadn’t from the start. 

This wasn’t picked up at any point in our journey, but thankfully my wife’s PND (post-natal depression) was and we were able to get her help from the hospital and PANDA.”

“I didn’t have any friends or relatives who had experienced having a premature baby so I felt very much alone.

Having access to a community of parents who had experienced a similar journey would have been helpful.”

“I found it difficult to go home and leave my wife and baby in hospital.

Someone telling me it’s ok to go home and rest actually meant a lot as I didn’t feel like I was letting people down by not being there.”

“What helped was the fabulous nurses (some of which we are friends with to this day) and doctors who lent an ear, and even a hug when needed.

The other thing was chatting to other parents, and just having people able to relate to what we were going through, people in the trenches with us. Made a huge difference.”

“Our doctor formed a small dads group to get together once a week. He did this off his own back and received no help financially from the government.

It would be nice if the government could fund a proper support program for dads because being able to go to that group to get things off my chest and actually ask the doctor questions outside of the NICU and away from mum for stress reasons was absolutely wonderful for me.

It’s not only trying to deal with having a pre-term birth it’s also trying to hold your partner up and support her in all her emotions, on top of having to go back to work and travelling etc.”


Below are some links to support for dads with a baby or babies in the NICU or SCN

Glossary of NICU Medical Terms

Dads of the NICU PODCAST Series

Dads & Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia – PANDA

Miracle Babies Foundation – Just for Dads

Life’s Little Treasures Foundation – Info for Dads

What NICU dads say -

Richard’s research revealed possible long-term negative impacts on the children of dads with mental health issues. Fathers’ depressive symptoms in the first year after the birth predicted behaviour problems in their children years later.

“If dads’ mental health has such a dramatic impact then we need to be screening dads for depression, not just mums,” Richard explains.

In response to these limitations, Richard and his team have designed a smart-phone based program that allows mobile connection for new and expectant dads.

Participants receive texts containing information and links, and self-report their mood. If the mood tracker identifies dads as needing extra support, they will be offered a phone call from a counsellor trained in this area.

Following the success of the pilot of the SMS4dads program, Funding was received to enable a National roll-out.

“When dad’s miss antenatal classes or activities, they also miss out on contact and links to other people.  They may never get the chance to say to anyone, look I’m really stressed,” he points out.

“SMS4dads is a way of bringing dads into the health system and keeping them linked in with services and support,” explains Richard.


Richard Fletcher

Associate Professor, PhD

Richard credits a varied career, a talented and innovative team, and much life experience for affording him the insight needed to address the challenges related to actively engaging dads.

After completing his masters in Medical Science, studying epidemiology, Richard earned his PhD focusing on fathers and attachment.

“Fathers are invisible in many places, and that is endemic. Not because people dislike fathers, but because the system is set up to be focused on mothers.”

Some services and organisations are aware of the need to engage dads, but have been unsuccessful in their attempts.

“When people are challenged about this, they generally want dads involved,” Richard affirms.

“Often, however, they just don’t know how to do it.”

Richard works with health professionals on issues related to fathers, and has delivered many antenatal programs for expectant dads.

He credits his own family with giving him an understanding of the role of fathers needed to make his work relevant.

“I have three daughters and two stepdaughters,”

“My kids would say they taught me just about everything I know and they’d be right. They’ve taught me a lot, and still do.”

Richard’s research revealed possible long-term negative impacts on the children of dads with mental health issues. Fathers’ depressive symptoms in the first year after the birth predicted behaviour problems in their children years later.

“If dads’ mental health has such a dramatic impact then we need to be screening dads for depression, not just mums,” Richard explains.

In response to these limitations, Richard and his team have designed a smart-phone based program that allows mobile connection for new and expectant dads.

Participants receive texts containing information and links, and self-report their mood. If the mood tracker identifies dads as needing extra support, they will be offered a phone call from a counsellor trained in this area.

Following the success of the pilot of the SMS4dads program, Funding was received to enable a National roll-out.

“When dad’s miss antenatal classes or activities, they also miss out on contact and links to other people.  They may never get the chance to say to anyone, look I’m really stressed,” he points out.

“SMS4dads is a way of bringing dads into the health system and keeping them linked in with services and support,” explains Richard.