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The SMS4DeadlyDads team is taking on feedback and input into the messages gathered from community consultations.

We are continuing to speak with health professionals, community members and dads throughout NSW, QLD and SA for input, suggestions and information along with specific cultural considerations. The final set of messages will be brief texts with links to online resources and services.

Consultations on messages for grieving fathers have so far taken place in Queensland (Northern Queensland and Torres Strait), New South Wales (Hunter Valley and regional centres) and in South Australia (Adelaide and regional centres)

Framework for Community Consultations

The development of messages for First Nations fathers who experience the loss of a pregnancy or baby is a partnership between SMS4DeadlyDads and Red Nose. The following framework document has been developed to provide context for the community consultations. To find out more information about this project, please get in touch.

North QLD Workshop & Community Consultation

Healing Through Community QLD

SMS4DeadlyDads have carried out the the first and second face-to-face community consultations in Northern Queensland. The team is soon to return to Cairns to further develop content for the links.

Back in December 2023, Wuchopperen Health Service hosted a workshop with First Nations and Health Service representatives from Cairns and the Torres Strait.

The focus of the workshop was to seek input around the content of text messages and support for First Nations men in the event of pregnancy loss or stillbirth.  

The representation and engagement of participants highlighted an eagerness to involve and better connect with Aboriginal and Torres Islander dads and dads-to-be in the perinatal phase.

The positive reception towards SMS4DeadlyDads and the concept of developing text messages especially for First Nations dads when things don’t go to plan during a pregnancy or around the birth was heartening.

An overview of feedback from the workshop is available below


VIDEO CLIP  | Three minute clip showcasing highlights from the the community consultation in Northern Queensland. 

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VIDEO & PHOTOGRAPHY BY Phil Schouteten, Phisch Creative

SA Workshop & Community Consultation

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Healing Through Community | SA

SMS4DeadlyDads have held multiple consultations in Adelaide and Port Augusta community and health services.

The keen interest and input from South Australia has been of great value leading to nuanced content developments within the messages and content to support grieving dads.

The Adelaide and Port Augusta groups were very different audiences – and so our approach and presentations were adapted. 

SAHMRA based in the CBD of Adelaide hosted health professionals and medical staff from both Aboriginal and mainstream organisations. Whilst in Port Augusta we met with leaders of Lore, elders and community who joined consultations held at Marnbi Aboriginal Service, along with meetings at CAMS and Port Augusta Hospital

“Living in South Australia we have community in our area living from tribal to semi-tribal to urban ways. So, we have to respect how we approach those young men aswell.”

The importance of leading first with culture and giving this the time and space before getting on with more mainstream ways.

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THANK YOU South Australia

The SMS4DeadlyDads team have indeed gathered many insights, contributions and valuable feedback to inform and shape the grief and loss messages and resources for dads who experience a perinatal loss. Below are some comments from community leaders in SA.

“I feel that dads aren’t supported as much from my perspective. I feel like we need a lot of work in this area to provide a safe environment for dads to feel open and honest about how they are feeling or what they’re not coping with.”

“SMS4DeadlyDads is a really great start for dads to have a platform where they can read or respond to someone or something and that can give them a pathway to take if they are a little bit lost.” 

“It’s devastating when people have a loss and you wonder how people can recover.  Time can help, but there can be a big gap between when a loss happens, to when that grief over time starts slowly coming out. You know, you gotta do some work in here (points to heart).”

“It’s all about us all learning from each other and putting everything on the table.”

Find out more in the SA Consultation Overview below.

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PHOTOGRAPHY by Louie Hahn & Saige Prime


SMS4DeadlyDads have formed state-based advisory groups in NSW, QLD and SA.  The SMS4DeadlyDads Advisory Group Members are community contact points for yarn-ups about the loss of a pregnancy or baby. Their insight and learnings will inform the message and resource development.

Initial discussions have centred around what supports, information, resources (if any) are currently in place for dads have a loss?  What cultural traditions, nuances and implications in various communities should be considered? And what support and resources would be culturally appropriate and useful.

Advisory Group Members will meet quarterly with the SMS4DeadlyDads team after gathering feedback from services and their communities.

 If you would like to get involved in these conversations, you can reach out to Advisory Group Members in your area or you can get in touch with the SMS4DeadlyDads Team |  Contact Us





Uncle Mick Adams
Bernard David
Roderick Thompson
Lyndon Reilly
Philip Uel Bani
Mark Wenitong
Marsat Ketchell




Craig Hammond
Jason Smith
Rodney Smith
Paul Mason
Jake MacDonald
Ian Eggins
Barry McGrady




Alwin Chong
Dylan McKenzie
Clinton Bennell
Eugene Warrior
Douglas (Dougie) Clinch

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QLD Advisory Group Members

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NSW Advisory Group Members

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SA Advisory Group Members



Developing messages for First Nations fathers is a partnership project between SMS4DeadlyDads and Red Nose Australia

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Richard’s research revealed possible long-term negative impacts on the children of dads with mental health issues. Fathers’ depressive symptoms in the first year after the birth predicted behaviour problems in their children years later.

“If dads’ mental health has such a dramatic impact then we need to be screening dads for depression, not just mums,” Richard explains.

In response to these limitations, Richard and his team have designed a smart-phone based program that allows mobile connection for new and expectant dads.

Participants receive texts containing information and links, and self-report their mood. If the mood tracker identifies dads as needing extra support, they will be offered a phone call from a counsellor trained in this area.

Following the success of the pilot of the SMS4dads program, Funding was received to enable a National roll-out.

“When dad’s miss antenatal classes or activities, they also miss out on contact and links to other people.  They may never get the chance to say to anyone, look I’m really stressed,” he points out.

“SMS4dads is a way of bringing dads into the health system and keeping them linked in with services and support,” explains Richard.


Richard Fletcher

Associate Professor, PhD

Richard credits a varied career, a talented and innovative team, and much life experience for affording him the insight needed to address the challenges related to actively engaging dads.

After completing his masters in Medical Science, studying epidemiology, Richard earned his PhD focusing on fathers and attachment.

“Fathers are invisible in many places, and that is endemic. Not because people dislike fathers, but because the system is set up to be focused on mothers.”

Some services and organisations are aware of the need to engage dads, but have been unsuccessful in their attempts.

“When people are challenged about this, they generally want dads involved,” Richard affirms.

“Often, however, they just don’t know how to do it.”

Richard works with health professionals on issues related to fathers, and has delivered many antenatal programs for expectant dads.

He credits his own family with giving him an understanding of the role of fathers needed to make his work relevant.

“I have three daughters and two stepdaughters,”

“My kids would say they taught me just about everything I know and they’d be right. They’ve taught me a lot, and still do.”

Richard’s research revealed possible long-term negative impacts on the children of dads with mental health issues. Fathers’ depressive symptoms in the first year after the birth predicted behaviour problems in their children years later.

“If dads’ mental health has such a dramatic impact then we need to be screening dads for depression, not just mums,” Richard explains.

In response to these limitations, Richard and his team have designed a smart-phone based program that allows mobile connection for new and expectant dads.

Participants receive texts containing information and links, and self-report their mood. If the mood tracker identifies dads as needing extra support, they will be offered a phone call from a counsellor trained in this area.

Following the success of the pilot of the SMS4dads program, Funding was received to enable a National roll-out.

“When dad’s miss antenatal classes or activities, they also miss out on contact and links to other people.  They may never get the chance to say to anyone, look I’m really stressed,” he points out.

“SMS4dads is a way of bringing dads into the health system and keeping them linked in with services and support,” explains Richard.